Copperbelt Cops Vow To Continue Taking Bribes From JERABOS

SOME police officers on the Copperbelt have vowed to continue receiving bribes and working with illegal copper dealers until the government starts giving them good salaries. But it is unacceptable for police officers to engage in corruption because of low salaries." after coming into power, the PF government who promised us heaven on earth have abandoned us. The PF politicians promised to better our salaries once in power and we massively voted for them. But they have refused to better our conditions of services,” said one of the officers. "The fight against corruption is meaningless if the government will continue giving us bad salaries. We will continue working with jerabos, because they give us a lot of money. The jerabos are considerate and we will continue working with them. They put bread and butter on our tables.” “Everyone in the police service is connected. We have people we do favours for who give us money. Our salaries are so little that they cannot even buy groceries for our houses. It is not only junior officers who are involved, even senior officers receive bribes. The bribes we get help us in our day-to-day lives,” said one officer proudly.

But home affairs minister Lungu said the meager salaries in the police service should not be used as justification for wrongdoing.

“As the government, we are aware of the low salaries that police officers are getting and we are working on that. We know they don’t have a union and we are really working on their salaries, but this should not justify why they should engage in corrupt activities. Whoever will be found will be arrested,” he warned.

Lungu, however, called on police officers to be patient as the government was working on improving their salaries.

Zambian Gospel Hip Hop artist Chaka popularly known by his stage name Pompi is this December expected to be dropping his second album on the Zambian market which will be titled “mizhu” ,literally translated asroots.Pompi will release the fifteen track album which will be focusing on a story of a boy, representing his dreams of flying and is rooted in the word.The album will feature prominent names from the gospel music circles from around Zambia.

Pompi is currently enjoying massive air play on different radio stations within Lusaka,with his new single called packaging, which he said is targeted at the lost and the church.
The Gospel music rapper is signed under LOTA HOUSE meaning house of dreams, the label which is currently home to four artists namely Magg44, Tio, Abel chungu Musuka and Pompi himself.In an interview with the Daily Nation recently, Pompi said Lotahouse as a record label has a vision of creating music which the young people will draw inspiration from and that the music will be used as an agent that will help to save Zambia and Africa at large.

When asked about his transition from the secular world to now a believer of the gospel, Pompi said, “the life I lived in the past was an act and it was easy for me to have a transition because fruits do not fall far from its tree.”pompi who made a mark after his transition with songs like Make up, Nipempela and Chipolopolo unlimited has promised his fans a great album.


It reads like something straight out of a Hollywood script except the location and characters this time around are Zambian and real.
The story is that 26-year-old Kayula Bwalya, popularly or fondly known by her fans as Kay Figo, wants her 60-year-old ‘ex-boy friend’ to give her a house and a car following irreconcilable differences that have led to their love affair coming to a crashing and bitter end.

Kay, the Diva controversial Zambian singer, caused a stir on Friday afternoon at the Lusaka Boma Local Court when her “compensation” case came up.

The facts before the court are that because she lived with the boy-friend, 34 years her senior and now things have fallen apart, she must be paid for the time she put into the relationship. Bwalya was born in 1986.

She wants John Van, a 60-year-old Lusaka businessman, to expedite the handing over of the “house and money” in the typical “house, money car” Nalu song as it appears clear no pre-nuptial agreement was signed by the two.

A pre-nuptial agreement is one which states that if a couple breaks up God forbid, each party leaves the relationship only with what they went in with and do not make other demands such as Diva Kay is doing.

Shortly after the case was adjourned to this Tuesday, the ‘Uli na mutima wa kanyelele’ super star, whom some admirers have in the past described as attractive, vented her anger on the Sunday Mail crew for interviewing Mr Van within the court grounds.

“If I see any story about me in the media I will sue, I did not invite you here and I have a right to my privacy.” Turning to her ex-lover, Mr Van, she said: “And you Mr Van, I will expose you if you give any stories to these journalists.”

In response, Mr Van said bluntly: “This is the stupidity that I have been putting up with for the past five years that this girl has been my girlfriend. Her manager insults me and even her sister-in-law.”

Mr Van said he met Kay five years ago at Fox Nightclub in Kamwala and it was what he called the proverbial ‘love at first sight’. He also explained how Kay asked him to find her a job, which he says he did although Kay later left the job, saying music was her passion.

Mr Van said he was not comfortable with the idea of Kay joining the music industry because he was skeptical about the lifestyle of musicians but he reluctantly agreed out of a deep sense of love for the diva he is now parting company with after three love-filled years that were never exactly plain-sailing.
After Kay’s first hit ‘Chachilamo’, Mr Van said he realised Kay was talented and had a possible future in the industry and encouraged her.

Their relationship grew and three years ago, Kay moved into Mr Van’s Makeni home and they began living together but ‘happily never after’.

Mr. Van said trouble started when he showed serious interest in meeting Kay’s family as his feelings for her overwhelmed him.
“I told her, tell them there is a ‘muzungu’ who loves me and wants to be with me but she never introduced me to her family,” he said.

The smitten Mr Van observed that as Kay’s music career took off, her schedule became busier and her absence from home became frequent consequently drawing a rift between them that led to physical fights instead of love.

After a number of fights, Mr Van said he told Kay it was over and for the past 10 months the pair had been sleeping in separate bedrooms.

He said he was surprised that Kay, who is allegedly dating a named footballer, has sued him because as far as he was concerned, they had both moved on and he even has a new girlfriend whose age he has not given the Sunday Mail.

Mr Van said he is ready to face Kay on Tuesday in court following the adjournment.

Zambian self aclaimed Diva Mampi is rumored to be
targeting Zambia National Football Team head Coach, Herve Renard as her next lover.

Mampi was seen together with ‘the man with the magic shirt’ Renard at South African Embassy last week flirting and acting like newly dating sweethearts.

Mampi who is currently single and lonely dumped
her lover Dominic a few months ago, and now she has been showing signs of trying to be loving Herve.

  survey conducted by Zibani Zambia indicates that the contraversy Local Artist Cliford Dimba aka General Kanene is one annoying artist who has being copying peoples songs and reproduce them to make them sound compelling.

picture courtesy of mwebantu new media

According to some artists spoken to who only agreed to speak on anonmity they said Kanene must change his style if he wants to remain Zambia’s Top favourite artist.Despite his music being loved by a number of people from the gheto Kanene says he will keep doing what he does best and so far he has done a remix to the popular song hiting the airwaves that was done by one unknown artist from Namibia the track is called ‘Nalishebo’ one lozi tune.

Shawn Kabemba Mark II’s Music manager has refuted media reports that his artist Mark II is being sued by the St Cecilia Catholic Choir group over the song called ‘amaka yakwa lesa’.

Mr Kabemba said that the reports are false and their have copright to the song,adding that St Cecilia Choir were consulted before making a remix to the song.

”False…we got consent from saint cecelia cotholic church who gave us tha rights to do tha remix of that song ! We have copyrights” He said.

According to information that had reached Zibani Zambia,It is alleged that Mark II did reproduce the song ‘Amaka Yakwa Lesa ‘ without the consent of the Roman Catholic Church Choir, which angered a few members from the church knowing that the song was reproduced by a circular artist.

Efforts to get comments from St Cecilia Choir member leader proved futile.


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